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Alot of people have ended up their lives in vain without achieving anything. This vanity is not a day event but a compilation of their thoughts and actions throughout their lives. Am I actually doing the right thing? is the question that should come to your mind. Therefore, I have decided to write this article to give you the answer to your question. 1. YOU DON'T HAVE A GOAL    What is your goal in life? Everybody says "I want to become a doctor,nurse,accountant,engineer,lawyer..". Have you asked yourself the question "What do I want to become?". If yes, have you come to a conclusion?. What to do: Make the right decision today, nobody is too young to dream. 2. YOU ARE NOT WORKING TOWARDS YOUR GOAL    Well done is better that well said. Dreams are not fulfilled until they become a reality. Your wish to become a doctor does not make you a doctor. You should be focused, determined and work hard towards achieving your goal. What to do: Work to...

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